Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is my first time.

I've realized lately that worry is the cataracts of life. My mom had cataracts but she seldom worries. I worry but i don't have cataracts.

I just watched a called "the go getter" with Zooey Deschanel and that lead role from "thumbsucker".Overall there some amazing ideas and shots, the dialogue was fun and real, and M. Ward did the music.

for all who don't know i have a job at the airport. I'm trying to find another job. I actually applied to IKEA the other day and received a call today. Very excited!!! i hope things will get better.The last year and half I've felt like the kid who gets held back a grade. I know that in time it might serve me well but right now it's lame.

whoa!!! just heard the animal collective songs. pretty funky fresh if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. I want to be brave too, matthew christopher.
    love always, lindsay a.
